Wednesday, April 24, 2013

One load off

Well, I finished the bee proposal. I dropped it off for my chair to read (she has to sign off on it) and she said unless she had questions, she'd just sign off on it and send it on. So presumably that's done. And several days before the due date.

And, as I said, even if I'm not successful, at least it "counts" that I tried.

Now I have to grade like the wind - short papers from soils. I am distressed to find that three papers have not been turned in. As they were due yesterday, I assume that means the students in question aren't bothering to do them. Because there's no way I will have time to grade them next week, with all I have due then. (I'm going to have to practice saying, "No, I cannot accept it late." I don't like conflict and admit I sometimes let myself get put out in order to avoid it. But this time - no. Not with lab books due, and the "big" research papers in my other class.)

So far, of the papers I have looked at, one has sort of misinterpreted the assignment. (Siiiiiiiiiiiigggghhhh)


I also see (via Nemu-Nemu), that Chris Baldwin is re-posting the Little Dee strips in order, this time with commentary: Little Dee. I loved this webcomic while it was in its original run and am happy to see that it once again has a home on the Internet.

(I wish it hadn't ended. I mean, it drew to a logical close, but still - I wish it hadn't ended).

Though I will say I'm not sure how old it makes me feel to know that I read this in its "original" run, starting nearly 9 years ago now. But it makes me feel kinda old.

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