Friday, February 01, 2013

Hm. Well, now...

The car-fu took much less time than anticipated (45 minutes, a new record). So I'm back in here typing an exam for next week.

And seriously, seriously considering that trip to McKinney tomorrow. Because: antiquing. And fresh batch of the plum-chipotle sauce that I realized was okay for me to eat. And different quilt shops.

I probably better check to see what construction is like on 75 near McKinney; if it's bad, I won't go. Because, just as Jake and Elwood hated Illinois Nazis, I hate Texas Construction.

ETA: TxDot reveals nothing that should get in my way. Whee!

ETA 2: The weather's going to be gorgeous. I'm probably suffering a bit from a deficit of sunlight exposure. So I really SHOULD go. It will be medicinal. Yes, yes it will. 

(Still trying to decide: on the one hand, I don't NEED anything. On the other hand, this may be the last weekend I can break away and be "free" for for a while. Hm.)


Anonymous said...

Permission to go!

purlewe said...

OK, I love the Jake and Elwood reference.

Joan said...

(Did I leave a comment twice? Please delete one... And GO!)
