Saturday, October 13, 2012

Flu shot advice

Just a PSA of sorts - if you're planning on getting the flu shot this year, in case you react like I did, do it on a day when you don't need to do much the next day. My arm is very sore (despite the nurse giving the shot in exactly the right place, and giving a "good" shot - I went to one of the local home-health bureaus which offer the shot to the general public for a fee). And I've had a scratchy throat and more sneezing than I have recently. So I assume that's the immune reaction to the virus proteins. (The injected flu shot is just proteins from the virus coat, or inactivated virus: you cannot "get" the flu from the injected vaccine; the reaction is just the immune system responding to something that shouldn't be there).

Perhaps inadvisably, after getting the shot (because I did it like a Monkey Fighting Adult, man, and whooo, being a Monkey Fighting Adult makes me INVINCIBLE! I stared down my fear of intramuscular vaccinations yet again!) I decided to go shopping in Sherman. Oh, I was fine during that time but today I haven't felt so great.

On the other hand: I picked up the next round of the Brit knitting magazines I have come to love so much. (They include "free gifts"! - usually a  pattern booklet, but this time Simply Knitting had a skein of lavender colored yarn and needles, and there are a couple patterns in the magazine for using the yarn). And I stocked up on groceries.

I also found Pony trading cards at the Target. I bought a few packs, opened a couple (didn't get a Fluttershy, poo, but did get a Big Mac and the DJ Pon-3/Octavia card - yes, they put them on a card together!) and plan to save a couple in case of a future Pony swap.

But yeah. I wouldn't call what I'm feeling a "severe" reaction by any stretch but I do feel a bit like I feel when I have a mild cold.

My brother just e-mailed me a whack more of pictures of the baby. One of them made me laugh with delight - it's Jon wearing one of those Snugli carriers with the baby in it. I laughed, because shortly after I found out they were having the baby, I told my mom, "I can picture Jon going out to do metal-detecting [he is an avid metal-detector and has found all kinds of interesting stuff] with the baby strapped on his chest in a carrier."

I definitely think they're going to be good parents, and FUN parents in the way our parents were fun parents - not trying to be the child's "buddy," (kids don't need parent-buddies, they need parent-parents), but parents who know how to work the child into their day-to-day life and find fun things to do as a family. (As I've said many times; some of my most cherished early memories are of going hiking with my parents in (what was then known as) the Cuyahoga Valley National Recreation Area..)

My brother looks good as a dad. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

yes, yes, yes to the whole 'parents being parents' thing- now that my children are adults, i've enjoyed building friendships with them, but during those early years, i found the whole 'buddy thing' was not what they needed- i'm sure your delightful niece will benefit from the example set to her parents-

i'm still enjoying a wave of nostalgia after reading your post about the craftiness of the 70s- my mom was so into each and every new thing that came along, and she was one of those who could excel at many of them- i still have macrame things she produced, among those a messenger bag that draws raves to this very day- people think it was purchased from some exotic foreign bazaar, and only honesty forces me to admit it came from 'loving hands at home' in georgia!

have a good day-
barb in east texas