Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Writing my evaluation

We have to do this every fall.

It's funny -and again, this is probably a "how you do anything is how you do everything" situation - but I'm really good at thinking about the things I wanted to do but didn't get done (usually: more research, revamp my classes more) and I forget or almost-forget the good things I DID do. (I forgot to put that I was nominated for a teaching award on there, until I went to my files for my evaluations data and found the letter telling me about it).

Also, I guess I'm not too shabby. I'm still averaging what would be the equivalent of a high B/low A on the faculty evaluations.I always used to dread looking at them because I'd be afraid they would be so bad (my first semester teaching, they WERE), but my evaluation scores have improved over the years. (Whether I'm improving as a teacher, whether we've "trained" students better in the fact that we have high expectations of them,. or whether the students have become less picky is not so clear)

So that's done.

I just wish this borderline migraine headache I've had for three days (combination of ragweed and low humidity) would go away.

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