Monday, September 17, 2012

Well, THAT'S better

I took an almost media-free weekend. I did watch the re-runs of POOONNNNIEEES and some other non-pointy type things: saw most of "No Time for Sergeants" on TCM. I didn't realize how *funny* it was, never having seen it before, other than a few clips from the movie. Andy Griffith basically plays a good-natured country bumpkin type - someone who would probably be a horrible pain if you had to supervise him, because he was far from the sharpest stick in the bundle, but the character he played was so good-hearted that as a viewer you couldn't help but feel sympathetic. Also, it contains a nice skewering of bureaucracy and bureaucratic attitudes (the military bureaucracy, here, but some of the "types" portrayed exist in any bureaucracy).

(I also watched part of Idiocracy on Sunday afternoon, but my main reaction to seeing any of that movie is to reflexively go and read a book.)

I knit a bunch. The second sleeve for the Ropes and Picots sweater is nearly done - next step is blocking, and then I get to sew it all together. (And pick up all the stitches for the front bands and neckline). But it will be nice to have this one done. I already have the large snaps that are used to close it with. (This one has snaps, rather than no need for buttonholes).

I also picked away at various other things - the Red Scarf, a plain sock....and I sewed a few more rows on to the current quilt top.

I did pull "Bleak House" back out and start reading it again. My goal (hah) is to finish it by the end of THIS year. I keep stalling out on it, either because I wind up traveling somewhere (it's an old hardcover and not in the best shape, so I am not fond of the idea of lugging it along), or something else catches my attention. So when ever I re-start I have to flip back a certain number of pages from where I was to pick up the thread again. Then again, I'm seeing connections I probably wouldn't have seen on a straight read-through. (Though I think now that I know where I am again - I just hit the part where Eleanor gets smallpox, and I remember a lot after that - I can probably skip ahead again.

I also had some problems with ocular migraines this weekend. Not sure if it's stress, pollen, the changeable weather, or a combination. I did discover that the incipient migraine-migraine I got Sunday afternoon went away after I heated a rice bag and put it around my neck for a while. (I may need to look into the possibility of therapeutic massage. Even if my insurance wouldn't pay for it, it might be worth $40 every couple of weeks to reduce neck pain and lessen my chances of headaches. Then had been months since I had a bad headache, and they just started up again last week, which tells me it's either allergies or changing weather.)

At least this week I have NO evening meetings.

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