Tuesday, August 21, 2012

It's sleeves again

I'm back to knitting on the sleeves (well, the first sleeve, thus far) of the Ropes and Picots cardigan.

I don't hate knitting sleeves. I know some people who do. Sleeves can take a while, but to me, they mean the sweater is nearly done (I have a harder time with sweater backs...for one thing, they're usually the largest single piece, and for the other, they are typically what you knit first....so you have all the rest left).

One thing I've learned over the years is that if you're doing something with a set of increases (I'm on the "Increase every eighth row x amount of times" increase), it's a lot easier to write out rows as you go on a notepad than to use a row counter. (And yeah, I have one of those Susan Bates pegboard things somewhere - which is designed to let you do that kind of thing - but I'm not sure where I put it last, and anyway, if you knock it off the arm of your chair or something, all the pegs go flying, and you lose your place. I think a pad of paper and a pencil works better for this.)

I've also been working on some of the super-simple projects while I read on The Ghost Map. (I'm almost done, now past the place where I stalled out earlier). The Big Purple Rectangle is growing slowly, and I have a pair of all-stockinette-stitch socks on the needles (They are of a Fleece Artist yarn, I think. The colorway is called "Ancient Pottery" - yet another color name that sucked me in when I might not have been so attracted to the colorway if it was just called something like T382 or somesuch. It's a sort of orange (umber? clay?) color along with turquoise. I don't, off the top of my head, remember any ancient pottery that uses this color scheme, but I like it.)

I also finished the Post and Beam quilt top this weekend. I didn't have the energy to try to photograph it yesterday afternoon after piano, and today is another late day (it's GIS class). Once I get a chance I'll peg the quilt up on the clothesline and take a picture of it.

Another thing I want to do soon: lay out the couple of quilts I have that are just in block form (the Bento Box quilt and the Into the Woods quilt) and get them stitched up.

1 comment:

Chris Laning said...

I made myself a row counter at one point - beads strung on a stout thread with a pendant at the end and an earring finding at the top so I could hook it into my knitting. If you Google "St. Therese sacrifice beads" there are instructions how you can string beads so that you can pull down one bead at a time and have them stay in place.