Saturday, July 21, 2012

One little update

I did finally get the abstract translated into Spanish. One of my colleagues (who had been out of town) suggested that his daughter - whose degree is in Modern Languages, with Spanish and French as her specialties - could do it. (She already works as a translator for an oil company). So, I offered her $50 for it (I estimated based on how long it would take me to translate something into French, and what the going rate for "consulting type" work would be - and she seemed happy with that offer).

She sent it this morning, so I need to get a check out to her in the next mail. Now I can send the manuscript out for review, that was the last thing I needed to do on it.

And I don't know why, but all of a sudden I felt motivated to change my Ravelry "ravatar" back to this:

 cheese-kun titled
It had been a drawing of Fluttershy grinning, which I've used for a while. But I don't know, I just wanted my enigmatic Cheese-Kun picture again.

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