I had made one. I guess I had never posted it here, only on the Ponies group on Ravelry, but here she is:

Now I'm not sure why I used an Earth Pony; I think if I could choose I'd want to be a Pegasus. Because of the ability to fly. (And the ability to, for example, soar up and find some nice quiet cloud when your neighbor's stupid yap-dog won't stop BARKING and they're not home for you to be able to ask them to take the beast in for just 45 minutes so you can have a little peace).
But I remember the reasons for the other stuff....I used my school colors (yellow and blue) for her color scheme, mainly because I couldn't really think of one I liked better. And I tried to make her hair look as much like the way I wear my hair most days. And she wears glasses. And a watch, because despite the prevalence of computer-based clocks or clocks on cell phones, I still have to have a wristwatch.
I didn't give her a cutie mark, partly because the uploading process for one at that time was kind of difficult (and I was working on my home computer, which tends to be slow with graphical stuff). But mainly, I couldn't decide. On the ponies, the "cutie mark" is kind of a....I don't know, a stamp of who they are. And while the current generation are far from being one-dimensional (One-trick ponies? Heh.), still, I couldn't decide, there were so many ideas I had....a ball of yarn. Or a quilt block. Or a book. Or even a soil invertebrate, or something else indicative of my research. (Though I'm not sure going through life with a centipede effectively tattooed on one's flank is something I'd want).
Though I will say I recently thought of something. A few years back, when friends and I were discussing back and forth "If you were a superhero, what would you be like?" I came up with Scholastica, whose main power was making people think clearly and logically (she did so by applying her hand to their forehead: kind of a similar principle to Wonder Woman's Lariat of Truth*). And the symbol she'd have on her costume would be a lamp of knowledge, kind of like this:
So maybe that's the name of the Pony I created up there, and the lamp of knowledge would be her cutie mark, seeing as I learn and teach for a living, and also, I just really enjoy learning stuff, whether or not it applies to my career. (Hence the dozens and dozens of history books on my shelf).
(*Heh. I just realized: Applejack's "element" is Honesty, and she is shown regularly wielding a lariat, as she is a cowgirl. I wonder if that's just a coincidence or if it's a very subtle allusion)
I've also played with the idea of other pony characters. I admit, this is a little embarrassing to admit, but other people do it, so maybe it's not as odd as I think. One would be a very light gray Pegasus pony with a slightly curly pink mane (Not Pinkie Pie pink, sort of a soft coral pink). Her name would be Pageturner and she'd have a book as her cutie mark. And she works as a librarian....in the town of Whinnywood. (Oklahomans will get that little allusion). Except, I think Pageturner is already taken by someone else as a pony name.
I was also thinking of another Pegasus just last night. (It was storming, I couldn't sleep for the noise....so I tell myself stories to hopefully be able to sleep). Her name is Nimbus. She's a very pale gold color with a light blue mane and tail with white streaks, and her cutie mark is her cloud namesake. She's just a little smaller than most Pegasi, but she's very fast. Her best friend is a black Pegasus stallion named Moonshroud, who has a turquoise mane....
It's funny I've never invented a unicorn character yet, because unicorns have the big advantage of being able to do magic and move things using the power of their horns....if you were a Pony and wanted to knit, you'd probably have to be a unicorn.
Actually, I'd really like to be an "Alicorn" (winged unicorn) if I were going to be a pony...because of both being able to fly and the magic. Except, it seems like being an alicorn carries a lot of responsibility with it; you're expected to watch over an awful lot.
I need to get a few more things done in my project list, but I AM going to start either a Lyra or a DJ PON-3 one of these days, soon.
1 comment:
My own OC is an Earth pony: I felt neither agile enough to be a pegasus nor adept enough to be a unicorn. I do think, however, that he fits the persona fairly well, given the limitations of the drawing tool and the imagination of the person using it.
Of the OCs I've seen, the only alicorn has been Lauren Faust's, which makes perfect sense to me.
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