Wednesday, May 02, 2012

The biggest thing

Work-Life Balance.

And I seem to have lost it these past few days.

Not sure how to get it back....though in a few more days it will be less hard. (The hard part is finding the balance and KEEPING it).

Also not letting myself get sucked into tasks by guilt, like "There is one crumb on the kitchen floor. MUST SCRUB KITCHEN NAOW!"

Edited, later: I deleted the previous cri du coeur that you may have seen here. Because driving to the card shop to buy a Mother's Day card, something hit me like a ton of bricks. I was replaying some incidents of the past semester in my mind, not really thinking about them, and suddenly I realized: Sometimes people who play the victim in situations are actually the manipulator.

And now I'm angry. Angry with myself for getting so upset over it and not realizing what was going on before, but mostly angry at the person - and at a system that allows this person to act like a victim while terrorizing (I don't think that's too strong a word) other people. I had been doubting myself - I had been doubting whether I really said or did things I thought I had, when this person was claiming I had not, and I believed I had. Actually, that was what struck me: I said to myself, "Holy (not very ladylike word), this dude has been GASLIGHTING me."

Also, I had a long talk with a Person of Authority who is on my side in this. Their main reaction was: I'm surprised you didn't come to me with problems earlier.

So, I can do this. I can let my anger at the situation carry me through the couple more days I have to deal with this situation. I can go all Flutterb*tch if I have to, if only for a few days. I can imagine myself all greyed out and not acting like myself - not because of Discord but because that may be what I need to do to survive this situation.

1 comment:

MaggieG. said...

Really I thought that I was the only one who felt that compulsion to clean.