Monday, April 16, 2012

And piecing again

Most of the weekend (well, other than the trip that netted me the blindbag ponies, and yes, I decided to 'save' opening the rest of them for a later time) was spent at the sewing machine.

For one thing, Saturday morning was "Crafty Ladies" and I decided that since I had two quilts' worth of blocks to lay out, and they had big tables and more open space down at the church (compared to at my house), I'd lay them out. So I did that.

I got the first one - the one that will become a gift-baby-quilt - all sewn up (exclusive of the borders, and I'm going to have to rethink the borders, because I was originally planning on using a pink print there - back when the quilt was going to be for me - but since I need to keep this one gender-neutral, I need to use something else. I do have some yellow-orange-red stripe that will match some of the colors in the quilt, so I might use that.)

The second one - the Backyard Baby fabrics quilt - still needs to be sewn up.

I also pushed through and finished all the blocks for the Bento Box quilt, but will need to lay that one out.

But I also pulled out a stalled project and re-started it - the OM NOM NOM quilt I started last summer. I realized I had a whole bunch of pieces already cut for it...which meant I could just sit down and sew. (I guess I got distracted from this one by other projects). I have a couple more blocks made - one of a (different) cupcake print and one of popsicles (also known in the UK as "ice lollies," and I think I might like that name a little better).

As I've said before, one of the things I like about knitting, piecing, and quilting (and embroidery) as hobbies is that you can work on them as you have time, then put them up and come back to them at some later point when you have time again. (At least, with sewing - if you have a sewing room. I sew a lot more now than when I lived in the apartment because I have a dedicated sewing room - it's not a corner of my office I have to put up and take down when I want to sew).

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