Friday, March 02, 2012

Feeling some better

I think I really needed the sick day yesterday. Mostly not talking at all for a day helped. Along with being in my more-humid house (it can get very dry in my classroom building: that's probably why I get sick this time every year. The building tends to be overheated this time of year, it's dry, there's dust blowing around and probably viruses as well).

I started feeling some better yesterday afternoon so I picked up the Basketweave sweater again (after mostly not feeling up to knitting) and worked a bit on the armhole section.

I still didn't sleep *wonderfully* last night - even though my sinuses are now clear, I still have that annoying tickle in my throat and when I'd lie down, I'd start coughing. My entire chest, back, and part of my abdomen hurt from all the coughing. (I can't take cough suppressants. Though I might pick up a lemon on the way home this afternoon and brew up some of that lemon/honey/butter stuff my mom used to make when my brother and I had coughs as a kid. I've read that honey is NEARLY as effective as drugs as a cough suppressant).

And, I got my exam for next week written, and my Sunday School lesson for Sunday. (Yeah, I can't do the "mostly lie around when sick" thing. I also made myself practice piano even though my teacher's not back yet and I didn't totally feel like it).

I think I'm going to take it easy tomorrow. I do need to do some grocery shopping but I don't think I'm going to come in and try to work. Better to take a day to get better than to take many days later.

I've also "broken the stall" on reading "Bleak House" (Funny how I use the same terminology for a book as for a difficult piece of knitting). I had to go back quite a ways - back to Esther's recovery - but now I'm past the point where I had stalled out before and now I'm interested in the book again. (Sad, though, that I didn't finish it in time for Dickens' bicentenary. I was originally planning to do that but I just didn't get to it. Well, it's still his bicentenary year.)

I still really hate Mr. Skimpole. What a slimy, awful, self-centered jerk, and he does it all under the cloak of being this simple childlike person, which makes it even worse. If Richard is driven farther to ruin, I'm sure it will be Skimpole's doing.

 I'm also really disappointed in Mr. Guppy. I can't say more than that without spoiling things, but I had hoped there was a bit more substance to his character.


Kim in Oregon said...

Did you see Bleak House on PBS? It was quite wonderful.

Big Alice said...

You know what else has been found to act as a cough suppressant? Dark chocolate. No, I'm not kidding.

When I had a bad bout of bronchitis and trying to get a prescription for codeine was difficult (thank you, ineffective drug laws), I got as dark a chocolate (higher theobromine content) as I could stomach and sucked that. Also cocoa, which probably helped just to coat my throat and suppress the tickle.