Sunday, March 06, 2011

Spring mantel decorating

Didn't finish any of the socks, but that's okay. (I'm close, on the Paton's pair).

I did clear all the pressed-glass stuff off the mantel (and find a place to store it) and put up my springtime decorations, including the little glazed-clay rabbit I bought last week.

spring 2011 mantel

It's a nice change...what I had had up since January was all of my pressed-glass dishes, for an "icy" look. (I had candles in them but did not light them as frequently as I thought...either I didn't have time or my allergies were bothering me and I was concerned about the particulates from the smoke).

It's nice to see all the bright pastels for a change.

I like changing what's up there periodically because when you have one set of things up for a while, you stop looking at it and appreciating it, and something new gives you a fresh feeling about the season.

(We're still not REALLY in spring, I was chilly today and got down to about 30 last night, and of course I remember last year when it snowed after spring break...)

This will also work for Easter, of course. (Even though it's not even Lent yet. And I'm trying to decide whether I have the time on Tuesday to go down to the local Episcopal church for their Shrove Tuesday pancake dinner. I might. I've never done it before and it seems interesting. I think I'm more in tune with something like that than with the true "Mardi Gras," which I think I would find chaotic and not-fun. I knew people when I was in grad school who drove ALL THE WAY down from Illinois the Friday before Mardi Gras, spent four days partying (yes, they just skipped Monday and Tuesday of that week, and also Wednesday for hangover recovery/driving back). Or, maybe I could deal with a tamer Mardi Gras in one of the smaller cities, but really do not want to go and experience the one in New Orleans.)

Also, next week is the time change. I admit I'm not wild about starting Daylight Saving so early this year; it means it will really be dark when I drive in for four or five weeks after it starts....right now it's already sort of light by 7 am. I know, I complain about this every year, but as a "lark," I tend to think that the sun should be coming up at the same time as people "should" already be up....of course, I get up at 5 (if I didn't need that hour to work out, though, to be honest? I'd get up at 6; that's the more typical time I awaken when I'm not setting an alarm clock). On the other hand, it will be sort of nice to go out for evening meetings and stuff and have it still be kind of light when I'm driving home.

My forsythias are loaded with blossoms this year, and most of the daffodils are out. It's nice to see the plants flowering again. I keep thinking if I had more space or was re-arranging what shrubs were in the garden I'd like to get some kind of ornamental willow, just because I like the "pussy willow" catkins.

Of course, I'd also like peonies. I love peonies but don't know how well they'd do in our hotter, dryer climate here.

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