Sunday, February 20, 2011

Back to Potter

(Literally: I am within four rows of finishing the back).

It was a fairly productive yet peaceful weekend. Friday afternoon into evening I cleaned house and did a few other things I needed to do (like took the shower head off and soaked it in vinegar. I have to do that periodically because the hard water here clogs it and the water pressure goes down).

Saturday was the annual honors-recruitment day. I interview prospective students and based on their responses (and how they present them), as well as an essay they write, some of them get a shot at scholarship money. (There's a wide range of people. Some are easy to talk with and can present themselves well, some seem fairly with-it but just really scared...and there are a few where you kind of go, "um, yeah" and try not to telegraph that you are doubtful they are Honors program material).

Then I washed my car. We don't use road salt here in winter but it had picked up a lot of dust, I think some from the grit that is STILL present on a lot of the streets. (That's a problem with sanding/putting down grit on roads: salt melts, but grit stays until it can get washed away. And as many streets here really don't have storm drains...)

I also worked off and on on Potter. I'm almost done, as I said, with the back. Then there are the two fronts, and the sleeves. I might consider doing the sleeves at the same time since they have minimal shaping and won't require a lot of attention. I don't know.

Right now I'm kind of in the typical end-of-weekend doldrums: tired, sort-of, but it's numerous hours too early to go to bed. Not sure what to fix for dinner. I think part of it is that I'm so used to being busy that a big chunk of time without obligations (after church today, the only thing I really "had" to do was piano practice) kind of leaves me feeling unsettled.

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