Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Found something out

I'm not terribly happy about it, but there's nothing I can do.

It turns out the policy on tenure and promotion has changed. Back in '03/'04, when I was going through tenuring and the first promotion, I received a letter every step of the way: a "congratulations" letter from the committee. Then from the dean. Then from the president.

Now, apparently, you don't hear anything until the final approval. Which is, like, in next May.

There was a rationale given for this. I don't agree with it and I think it's kind of unfair to the applicant to keep them hanging for eight months, but whatever. I have no control over it.

The other thing is, if you're turned down, you don't know who did it. That's part of the rationale for only hearing at the end, I guess: to prevent reprisals against the person who said "no." But for me, a "no" from my committee would me something very different from a "no" from an administrator who maybe was told to watch the purse strings.

A committee "no" would mean "you're work's not up to par, you need to change things." An administrative "no" might mean "We're trying to economize, so sorry you got hit." The first one, I would feel very bad about. The second one, while I'd feel bead, it would be fore a different reason and I would not feel that it was my "fault" I got turned down.

(ETA: Now that I think about it, I'm wondering if in the past couple days I heard a couple somewhat cryptic hints from two different committee members that would point to a "I'm trying to tell you we said yes, but I'm not allowed to tell you outright." But I'm not confident enough to accept them as actual hints but am thinking of them as "something I might be reading too much into." Sigh. I hate my brain sometimes. It's good being analytical; it's not good overanalyzing everything to the nth degree...)

But whatever. I'm going to just go back into denial about the process and pretend it's not happening, in order to save my sanity. There may also be a few situations of excrement coming into contact with a spinning object this spring, so I just need to kind of pull in and preserve my sense of who I am and what I stand for.

So anyway. Here's a bunny with a pancake on his head.

Also, he comes in French.
And with French T.P. which is called P.Q. (for Papier Cul. ("Cul" is like "bottom" in French, but ruder). I learned something today. (about the PQ.)

More on pécu (which is a term I think I do remember reading, now) can be seen here

Never having been to France, I had no idea that pink was its predominant color over there. (Personally, I prefer white, like most Americans seem to...)

1 comment:

besshaile said...

oh la. what a long winter you're going to have. I hope you really can go into de nial and forget about it and live all the happy days between now and then care free.