Thursday, October 07, 2010

Bleargh virus alert

So I said to my secretary, I said, "I want to have this promotion packet done early, in case I get the respiratory crud that's going around."

(Luckily, it is almost done. I lack the proper tabs, the spine sheet, and one letter of recommendation).

Woke up this morning with a near migraine and what I interpreted as bad allergies.

I now have a scratchy throat and that sort of brain-fog feeling that comes with impending illness. (I've already warned my secretary that I may be calling in tomorrow to cancel classes if I'm worse.) And my back hurts. And the elbow I broke some 15 years ago that healed without incident.

As I tweeted, I think this is the Mister Gumby virus, because right now my brain hurts. (No, I don't feel any desire to knot the corners of a handkerchief and place it on my head just yet).

I'm going to go to the store and pick up more orange juice. And tomato soup. I always must have tomato soup when I am ill. (And even when I'm not, I still like it).

I've e-mailed the president of the local AAUW chapter but I think I'll call her just to be sure she gets the message that I might not be there tonight.

I'm going to go home and see if a big mug of raspberry zinger tea and a nap does any good.

1 comment:

Big Alice said...

I'm sorry you're feeling poorly, and I hope that it passes quickly.