Friday, October 08, 2010

Maybe, maybe not.

So, I went home yesterday afternoon. Drank a big glass of orange juice (Which was kind of nice, for a change: I'd been rationing it out in little 4 ounce quantities after reading one too many scare stories about how drinking fruit juice is part of the Royal Road to Type II Diabetes). Drank some water. Relaxed for a while.

I started to feel better around 4:30 or so, decided I could make the AAUW meeting after all.

I'm wondering if this might actually be just really horrible allergies. I spent most of Wednesday afternoon outdoors, and the ragweed pollen is apparently unusually high this year. (I still kind of ache, though).

But I'm going to try to manage today, and I'm going to plan on doing fieldwork tomorrow, even though that may be ill-advised. (Still, it has to get done sometime.) I may wind up wearing a dust mask for the fieldwork. And I've taken a claritin today and will take one tomorrow, even though that means I need to start bracing for strange dreams at night.

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