Monday, April 05, 2010

Sometimes, something happens that just makes you go, "wait....WHAT?"

This happened today. I teach a Soil Science lab, as some of you know. Some of the chemicals we work with are dangerous. Some would do something very bad (like create building-clearing stinks) if you mixed them the wrong way. So I set up lab and lock the door.

I came back 20 minutes before lab today - to put some notes on the board and generally get ready - and caught one of my students, Leatherman tool in hand, trying to PICK THE LOCK to get into the classroom.

Seriously, I think I blurted out, "On what planet do you think this is appropriate?"

He claimed to be "impatient" but dangit - *I'M* impatient and even I wouldn't try a stunt like that. Go for a walk or something. Or study. Or something.

I may be twitchy (and he might not realize this), because several years ago we had that break-in. But seriously, if we have another - and there are evidence that locks have been picked - I am totally fingering this guy for it.

ETA: I actually have an image appropriate for the situation.


CGHill said...

As Bugs Bunny might say, "A likely story." This reeks of prankage, or worse.

Anonymous said...

As a person who has pulled pranks before and knows others who've pulled pranks, it seems like a rather inelegant way of doing things if it indeed was a prank.

I vote for nefarious intentions.

CT said...

A kid trying to forcibly enter class? Instead of actively trying to cut class? Either he did have an ulterior motive, or else these Millenials are even more woe-begone than I'd thought...