Tuesday, March 09, 2010


Apparently there is an attempt in the fashion-world to revive the trend of socks-with stilettos.

IMHO (and in other people's opinions) it doesn't really work. As Charles said: wispy shoes require wispy socks; serious socks demand substantial shoes.

Which is why, more often than not these days, I'm wearing my handknit socks with some chunky clogs (which I will need to replace soon, I see...)

srs sox

(Actually, going through my flickr stream, I'm struck by how many of my socks are lace, or odd bright colors...and therefore, probably not describable as serious. But still not something I'd wear with stilettos. If I wore stilettos, that is.)


Lynn said...

Stilettos should be taxed as something that's bad for your health. Just kidding. That popped into my head because I heard something again about some people wanting to tax soft drinks because they make people fat and I've been thinking about that and it just occurred to me that there are lots and lots of things in the world that are bad for us in various different ways but some things are popular to hate while others are "sacred". And I hate to say this but if you think about it, it's the things that the rich, beautiful people like that are untouchable.

Sorry about the soapbox. These thoughts just suddenly come out sometimes.

fillyjonk said...

Lynn, I heard the talk of the Junk Food Tax again this morning, and I groaned, and said,

"Well, then, why not tax soft pillows? Or warm sweaters? Or air conditioning? Or anything that people might use for a little fun and comfort."

Eating too much junk food is not good for you, true, but I think to penalize people for occasionally choosing Oreos instead of rice cakes seems unfair.

Flying on planes is bad for you. Very possibly, talking on cell phones is bad for you....everything is bad for you if you look hard enough.

(Even oxygen! It's an oxidizing agent!)