Tuesday, March 09, 2010

I GUESS it looks like it's getting bigger.

thermal as of 3/8/2010

This is Thermal as of last night. It still lacks 2" before I divide for the placket.

Two things:

1. My next sweater project is going to be worsted weight.

2. Once this is finished, by golly am I locking it up in some kind of a bugproof container. I don't want to pull it out this coming December and find a gnaw-hole in a cuff or something.


I've been warned by several people (including one medical-type person) to count on the after effects of the virus lasting for maybe three weeks.


At least next week is spring break, so maybe by relaxing (and getting some better meals; I really have been doing the grab-and-run thing this week, eating lots of cereal, eating lots of just-fruit for a meal...I could possibly be anaemic now that I think of it) I can finally kick the rest of this thing.

I really do think whoever makes the academic calendar is fairly wise here; just at the point in the spring when we have almost given up hope and are having to bite our tongues to keep from yelling at students, then comes spring break. (In fall, we get Fall Break, which is a lot shorter, but it is enough to make a difference).

Of course, that means I have a hundred little errands to run this week PLUS find time to pack (gotta remember all my tax paperwork - I plan to do my taxes while on break).

And I do want to look up some of the "classic" papers on population biology, as my grad student is needing to do a summer "special studies" on that topic, but that won't be a big hassle to do.

But at least Friday night, God willing, I will be sitting in a compartment on a northbound train with the book I started reading this weekend on the Spartans, and a few days of not doing anything other than what I want to do. (Well, and my taxes).

I also will note I've doubled my calcium/vitamin D intake in the somewhat desperate (and perhaps misguided) hope that part of the crud I'm feeling is a lack of vitamin D. And I started taking flaxseed oil again, though I'm not sure I've ever seen any effect from it.


Chris Laning said...

My gynecologist thinks most women are deficient in Vitamin D. Friends recommended it to me because it's supposed to help with seasonal depression, and it does seem to be making a significant difference. You have to take a lot of it, though -- I've been taking 10,000 IUs a day since September. It took about six weeks for improvement to show up, but I've asked friends and they can definitely see a difference in my energy level and outlook.

Charlotte said...

When I did my grocery shopping last month, I got Shedd's Spread Country Crock margarine with Calcium and Vitamin D added in it. It's 39% vegetable oil and is part of the Smart Choices Program for food choices. I figured that was a painless way to up my intake of both.

When I'm feeling grotty, I also up my intake of Vitamin C. I had something over the weekend -- sneezing and sniffling -- have decided it was an early allergy reaction to pollens which must be starting in this area.

Mom on Health Patrol said...

Another Vitamin D fan here...I've been tested the last few years during my (winter) physical and I'm on the very low side of normal (which some doctors are now thinking is too low), so my doctor has bumped me up to 1400 IUs a day. With the milk, yogurt, and fortified OJ in my diet, the goal is to get 2000 IUs a day. I've not read any downside to moderate supplementation, and my doctor really believes we are all too low, at least around here in the winter.