Tuesday, February 09, 2010

Well, at the very least, I now have a clean house.

(My plumber's name is apparently Waldo. Because I don't know Where he is.)

I came home at 11:30 or so, ate a quick lunch, decided that if he had to look in the drains the kitchen and bathroom better be clean, so I cleaned them. Then decided that I had a surfeit of nervous energy (I always do when I am waiting on something where its success or failure is not yet defined, or where it is not clear when the thing will happen), so I cleaned most of the rest of the house. (The guest room/office is not perfect, but as there is no plumbing access in there, there is not much point in doing it).

At 4:15 I am going to call them again and gripe at them. And tell them I have a piano lesson at 5, so I cannot sit around and wait any longer. And then tell them the afternoons I am free, and tell them to call my office when and if the plumber is on his way, as I live 5 minutes from my workplace.

I cannot AFFORD any more afternoons away from my office or lab without some guarantee of the plumber coming. This is, I fear, hurting me - I'm not getting research done and I look inaccessible, both of which are Very Bad Things as far as getting Full Professor is concerned.

Adult life is more complicated than it should be sometimes.

1 comment:

CGHill said...

Let's see. I called in at 12:30. (Yes, after midnight.) Reported the Bad News (failure to flush). They said they could have someone out within an hour, but it would be an extra $100. I chose to wait. They said there was an opening at 11 am; they called me at 10:30 to tell me he was on the way.

I just wonder how it is that my plumbing failures follow so close on the heels of your plumbing failures.