Wednesday, February 10, 2010

speaking of things I think are beautiful

Now I'm really itching to start another pair of those overlapping leaves socks.

I kind of wish I could dye yarn. Or rather, that I had the time and the set-up to do it. It seems fun, and when you get good at it, the results are lovely.

1 comment:

Big Alice said...

Thank you!
You know if you like that green, I could dye you up a skein. :)
Kettle-dyeing yarn (which is what I prefer; I've done direct application and it's much messier for me) is really pretty easy. You just need a non-reactive pot, yarn, vinegar, and dyes. A plastic tub to wash it out in is nice but not necessary. I dye on the stove in a ceramic-coated canning pot. You don't even have to spend a lot on dyes, just get primary colors + black (and I like a brown too) and mix your own. I use leftover glass jars and big yogurt containers to hold and mix dye.
And as long as you're willing to let the results be a little random you'll probably like the results. (oh, they'll still be in the color ballpark, but if you're trying for an exact shade you might be frustrated).