Friday, February 12, 2010

I have my stack of research reading, and my new pair of "simple socks" to knit on, and I have a couple CDs queued up in the stereo (I can only listen to instrumental music, and that has to be fairly quiet and "familiar" - I have some Debussy and some Roger Quilter right now - to be able to read and listen).

Speaking of CDs, I realize I've been remiss. A couple days ago (agh, they all run together when you're busy), I opened my mailbox and found a little CD mailer in it.

I was puzzled, as I hadn't ordered anything. I opened it, and there was a copy of the Chieftans' "Another Country" (which had been on my Amazon Wishlist) in there. No invoice, no note. So I'm assuming a reader here arranged to have it sent to me.

Thank you, I appreciate it. (And I admit with embarrassment I haven't had time to listen to it yet. But this weekend I will.) If you want to reveal yourself that's great, or if you prefer to remain anonymous that's fine.

It almost embarrasses me a little...and sometimes I think I should take the wishlist down - because I feel like, I don't know, people sending me stuff...for my not really doing anything other than what I'd otherwise's sort of humbling that people want to do that. But I do appreciate it.


Lynn said...

Heh. Something in me wants to like music by someone with a name like Roger Quilter. I'll have to look up some samples later.

dragon knitter said...

happy early birthday!

dragon knitter said...

the one frustration i have is that amazon doesn't have an option to put a message on the invoice (and the sellers are "supposed" to enclose some sort of paperwork (or at least that was the way i understood it) but most don't). i think i may just email the seller next time, lol.