Thursday, February 11, 2010

Well, that's surprising.

I can has snow day!

That's the view out my front door about 40 minutes ago. This is more snow than I remember us EVER having, and I've lived here 10 1/2 years now.

Driving home was not fun. We don't have plows and we don't have salt. We do have sand and "chat" (and, having a student doing a research project on the Tar Creek site, the thought of "chat" being applied to our roads worries me a bit. But surely they wouldn't use the heavy-metal contaminated "chat"...). It was very skiddy, even in second. I took the "back way" home, the longer way that doesn't involve a steep hill with a blind curve, and I think I'm glad I did.

The surprising thing? They already closed campus for tomorrow. On one hand, yay: I don't need to set my alarm and I can spend tomorrow either relaxing (it's been a stressful week) or doing research-reading at home. On the other hand: I was supposed to give an exam tomorrow, and so will have to reschedule that.

I am doing laundry right now. Every time I hear a spin cycle start, I jump up in alarm and stare at the tub drain. So far one large-ish load has successfully drained twice, and the second medium-sized load is getting ready to do its first drain.

(Second load has now done its first drain successfully. I guess I am in the clear, drainwise.)

I know, I should trust that the plumbers fixed it based on the experiences of yesterday. But I've lived with the problem long enough that I can't quite relax and accept that it's gone for now.

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