Saturday, October 03, 2009

Lynn linked to these: Churchill motivational posters (My favorite being, of course, the "never never never give up" one).

I generally hate those "motivational posters" but I rather like the ones with historical photos and quotations, because, I think, they are actually grounded in something REAL and SPECIFIC. It is the bland generality of the eagle-soaring-over-a-mountain with the word "ACHIEVE" on it that irks me. Well, also, I think the imperative tone of modern motivational posters: what they are really saying is "You WILL "achieve" or else." Instead, these are more inspirational: here is someone who did something important in the past despite whatever problems they had. You can probably do well, too.

I had to look at these anyway, because I have come to think of the man as "Cousin Winnie." At some level, according to my mom's genealogy, we are related. (Not that closely. It's like sixth cousins or something. And thank goodness that I take after my dad's side of the family in facial features. And that my mom apparently takes after her dad's side (My mom is quite a pretty woman). (The relatedness to the Churchills - and, I presume, to the Spencers as well, is on my mom's mom's side)

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