Monday, October 05, 2009

I propose that ThinkGeek, for next year's April issue, offer Drama Repellent.

I am dealing with someone at the moment who is SO THE DRAMA!!!11!! and it's making me extremely tired.

I don't know if my family was abnormal or what, but I don't remember EVER experiencing the level of upset and fussiness and general butt-hurt that some people I've run into recently seem to be able to generate.

And because I don't come from that, I don't know how to cope with it, and it makes me tired. I suppose it's because whenever something in my family was a big fat honkin' deal, it really WAS a big fat honkin' deal. (Like the time my dad tossed my brother and me in the backseat of our '74 Dart and drove like a madman to get my mom to the nearest ER when she was having an allergic reaction to tetracycline. So she wouldn't, you know, DIE.). So anytime someone acts like something's a big fat honkin' deal, I go into full fix-it mode.

And sadly, a lot of the time, it is NOT a big deal, at least not to any reasonable person, and I wind up using a lot of energy on something I should not have to use energy on.

Mid-fall break. Mid-fall break. That's what I'm going to have to repeat over and over again to keep myself calm.


Lynn said...

I like that - Drama Repellent.

Idea: (I can't see you actually doing this but this is what popped into my head just now.) Buy a can of air freshener or Lysol spray and make your own "Drama Repellent" label to completely cover the real label and when ever someone turns on the drama just pick that up and spray it around a little.

Mom on Health Patrol said...

Heh, Drama Repellent. I need some for my extended family.

Lydia said...

I hope that they'd end up making a real version of it, like the tauntaun sleeping bag.