Tuesday, August 18, 2009

This is shaping up to be a REALLY GOOD week. Would that it continues.

So far:

Saturday: Did a bit of home-repair/improvement (getting BIG HONKING BRANCH off the roof ALL BY MYSELF and figuring out how to fix the gas vent correctly).

Yesterday: Got word that my paper from last summer was accepted pending revisions. So I WILL have a publication for this year.

Today: (a) Had my new grad student come in and start planning her research with me. (b) Realized I could write a mini-grant to help fund the grad student, and my chances of being funded for the project are greatly enhanced because the money is going to help grad student research. (c) Had a textbook company contact me with an offer of reviewing a chapter ($75 in this case, but that's definitely not to be sneezed at) and (d) FINISHED THE REVISIONS.

And, if I may brag on myself a little: this paper really is one of the better ones I've written. The Introduction, in particular, is darn good. And it takes a lot for me to say something I've done is darn good.

If I were superstitious, I'd say all this good stuff was happening because I had taken time to clean my office. (Well, the cleaner office DOES make me more productive: I am happier to do work in a clean place)

1 comment:

Bess said...

Yea on many points! - especially the p ublication stuff - but silly girl - you do so many things durn well you ought to be tickled with angora yarn for being too modest.