Wednesday, August 19, 2009

The shawl of 1000 stitches starts with the first yarn-over, or something like that.

start of rosy-fingered dawn shawl

I did start the "Rosy-Fingered Dawn" shawl (Subtitled: Knit Yourself a Classical Myth. The shawl has patterns inspired by various Greek myths; the pattern-writer refers to Homer.)

The shawl won't literally have 1000 stitches at the end (though it does apparently go to somewhere over 600 in the edging). Right now it's at the "small" stage - it's one of those that starts from the middle and works outward. Luckily I have a long-cable size 6 circular needle for when it gets really huge. (And an intermediate series of shorter needles for along the way).

I will admit this stage is a bit annoying because many of the rounds have a yarn over at the end - you have to be careful not to drop it off, and you have to be sure to start the next round right away so it doesn't get lost.

I am also working on Honeycomb right now. I really like this project. The color is lovely, the cabling isn't too involved, and I think the finished project will really be nice.

honeycomb progress

For what it's worth, Flickr says this is the 1000th picture I've uploaded.


Lydia said...

Congratulations on the thousandth photo!

Both of those are really pretty.

The movie did really make me want to find out more about Julia Child. That was neat to find out about her; after your comment, I'm really going to have to read her autobiography.

Lynn said...

I like that green.