two quick comment responses:
First: Angie, I saw no crocking or bleeding of dye when I knit the socks, nor for the half-hour or so I wore them last night. But your comment makes me think that when I handwash them I should use a vinegar rinse to help clear out any excess dye that may be there.
Second: Aven - and anyone else who reads this, if you want to "follow" me, you're more than welcome. It's under crazyfillyjonk on Twitter. (I'm still not really up to speed on doing things like invites or sending "messages to" people on Twitter; I'm still learning). And I added you to my list, Aven. I think I need to follow more people so I don't just see my own posts up there.
I think most of the Twitter posts will either be, as I said, favorite quotations, links to cool websites of a sciency/educational nature, or random factoids. I still like writing longer-form posts here, and I like how it is seemingly easier for people to comment on a blog than it is on Twitter (though I see that it's POSSIBLE to refer to someone else's tweet and comment on it...)
1 comment:
I am getting far more use out of this goofy service than I anticipated: I'm averaging more than 20 "updates" a day, and subtracting the five or six that I have automatically generated for new blogstuff still leaves me at nearly one tweet per waking hour, which astonishes me.
But the important word is "automatically": I'm going to a lot of trouble to make sure I don't go to a lot of trouble, as it were. If I had to hang on the Web site all day, I'd never get any work done.
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