Thursday, April 23, 2009

There are a lot of things that I see and I want, but I can't quite justify buying for myself - either I'd never really wear them, or they cost more than I think I should pay for it.

I will admit to being tempted by the Miss Piggy cameo pendant It's like a parody of a serious, "grown up" cameo!

Still, I'm not quite sure I'd be brave enough to wear it.

(ETA: I broke down and bought it. It's cheap enough and wearing it might give me a laugh on those days when I don't otherwise feel like laughing.)


Spike said...

OMG, that is too, too perfect.

I know someone who must see this link, right now.

I double-dog dare you to wear it as a necklace with a serious nice blouse and skirt and pride, just as if it was your great-great-gramma's vintage cameo.

dragon knitter said...

just the giggle i needed