My camera so does not like the sun (vampire camera?) but here are some kind of washed-out shots of it pinned up on the clothesline in my back yard. (It's too big to easily display somewhere in my house and get far away enough from for a good photo)

It's also hard not having someone to help hold the quilt:

I really, really love the focus fabric.

I'm not sure what kind of a backing I will use on this one yet. I'm thinking of maybe one of those allover-texture patterns, like a Moda Marble. Maybe in a lighter shade of the blue I used for the sashing (if I can find one) or maybe an ecru with just the barest hint of yellow to it.

The colors are really pretty together.
It's beautiful. You seem to put out quilts very quickly.
-- Grace in MA
It turned out lovely! I noticed, I obviously do have obsessiv traits: it would bug me that the borders are not having the motives going all in one direction. Never knew that about me.
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