Tuesday, December 02, 2008

There it is! My holiday spirit. Showed up earlier than usual this year. Even though I'm busy (I graded a bunch more papers today, and, yes, bought a new dishwasher that will probably be installed early next week), I'm in a good mood. A holiday mood.

So I have deemed it Not Too Early to start sharing Christmas stuff. (Most of these are links that will be familiar to long-time readers. But they are things I really love, so I feel like linking to them again).

The first item is perhaps a bit more mischievous than sweet. It's a snowglobe that you can shake up. The special attraction of this is that the things in the globe "respond." So you can work out a lot of pent-up anger - if you had to go to the mall, or if you got the walk all shoveled just to have the snowplow come along and back-fill the end of the drive, or if (like me) you made the mistake of going to wal-mart over the 3 to 4 pm hour*.

(I know, this thing was kind of "viral" back in 2005 or so, but I STILL like it and find it funny. Not least because I like the "space age bachelor pad" Christmas music (it's by Esquivel) that's playing in the background).

(*But even that wasn't so bad. I was picking up gifts for the Crisis Center - my CWF group always gathers stuff that women or children could use, and takes it to the women's shelter (what used to, in less-politic days, be called the "battered women's shelter" - it's for women who are escaping abusive situations). I always like doing that kind of shopping, picking out something I think (hope) will make someone happy (or a LITTLE happier, I realize that spending Christmas in a shelter must, to use a word I rarely use on here, really suck). I just pick out stuff I think *I* would like, and figure I have decent taste)

So, let the holiday season begin.

I'm also working on a little item that amuses me a lot and is more or less seasonal. I will post a photo tomorrow if I finish it.

1 comment:

Bess said...

Oh. that is so cute. thanks!

I always get in the spirit by listening to Ferrol Sams read his Christmas Gift - memoirs of a Georgia Christmas in the 1920's. He sounds like the grandfather you wish you had. But the book is sweet enough to read even if you can't find the audio version.

I pop it into the car and play it over and over till I'm in the mood. it always works. It always makes me weep too, but the good kind of weeping.