Monday, October 06, 2008

Yeah, pretty much, though I'm not entirely sure about "the world needs the contribution of people with brains like yours." Or maybe it's that it's my impression that the world THINKS it doesn't need them...

Your result for How geeky are you?...

Laboratory Geek

65% Geeky, 79% Cranial and 45% Introverted!

You scored 65% Geeky, 79% Cranial and 45% Introverted. You are quirky, intelligent, and like to fly solo. You're too curious to live a hermit's life and would much rather be working on some sort of interesting project though be it alone.

You might find it hard to connect with other people or you might have anxiety in social situations. It may be easier to avoid people as much as possible, but this will only limit the possibilities in your life. The world needs the contribution of people with brains like yours! So what to do? Baby steps. Whenever something feel uncomfortable socially, it's usually the right thing to do. Step outside your comfort zone a bit, take a deep breath and don't be afraid to ask the people around you for help.

I truly hope you enjoyed the test as much as I enjoyed making it! I always welcome email comments/suggestions! Thanks for taking it!

Take How geeky are you? at HelloQuizzy

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