Monday, January 07, 2008

Well, yay:

1. My syllabi are done and at the printer's.

2. I accomplished New Rule* today.

(*For new-ish readers, or those who don't have my kind of memory-for-odd-offhand-names-of-things, New Rule is something I established...I think back in 2005? Where I said I would dedicate one hour [at least] each day to working on research [Sunday and Wednesdays excepted: because Wednesdays are typically full-tilt boogie days where I don't really HAVE a free hour, and Sundays because, well, I need one day away from the stuff])

3. In the middle of working, I ran over to the P.O. to pick up my accumulated mail and arrange for delivery to restart. Both the boxes I sent from my parents' house have already arrived (they were sent parcel post on Thursday morning) and so I have them - one is just a big box of books (both Christmas-present books and a few books I bought while up there). The other one is a mix of "older" clothes (which I culled out of my suitcase to make room for new clothes I got for Christmas - because I'd be less irritated at losing-in-the-mail a pair of 4 year old "field jeans" or my spare white turtleneck than I would at losing some new thing I'd not even worn yet) and some quilt fabric and the yarn I got for Christmas.

It's a good feeling having everything safely arrived.

4. I finished Kenobi (picture in a day or so, once I get the energy to take a picture of myself in it), so now I'm faced with the pleasant dilemma of what sweater to make next. I've narrowed it down to three:

The Cobblestone Pullover (which, I know, I SAID was going to be my next sweater, but it would be done [I predict] right in time for it to be too warm to wear a pullover),

The Cambridge Jacket (this is a new one for my queue - I got the "Best of" Interweave Knits book for Christmas, and looking through it, saw the sweater and asked myself, "Why have you never thought of knitting this? This is just the kind of thing you like." I think really it was the orange - I wasn't seeing past the "don't shoot me, I'm not a deer, I'm another dude" orange color of the sweater.) I wound up getting some light grey-green (it's almost like a paler version of loden green) heathered Cascade 220. This was "stocking money" yarn - my father always gives my brother and me (and my sister-in-law, as well, now) some money in our stocking to spend on whatever we see fit, and so I went to the yarn shop with mine. (I also bought a zipper for the sweater, so I should have everything I need on hand).

The Airy Cardigan. This one has the benefit of being something I could probably actually still wear for a little while this spring after finishing it (provided I get cracking on it fairly soon and don't get too bogged down). Also, I love the color of yarn I have set aside for it - sort of a pinkish-purple (I think it's called "Foxglove"). It's also a very feminine sweater, whereas Kenobi (and the other two I've listed here) were designed for men and were more boxy and mannish.

I doubt I'll be deciding and swatching TONIGHT but it's something to think about.

(Of course, skimming my queue on Ravelry - so I get the names correct (I couldn't remember what Airy Cardigan was properly called), I see other things - like A Cardigan for Arwen and Sitcom Chic - that I'd also like to start. But I have to decide on just one thing, I think.)


dragon knitter said...

go for airy! you've got a lovely face, and a feminine cardi would just do it!

Anonymous said...

Sometimes adding some side shaping to a boxy sweater or cardigan makes the fit so much more feminine. I tried it on the last two sweaters I knit and was very pleased. I can't do "boxy" although I gravitate towards those patterns (and am usually sorry afterwards). Short-rows for the bust area are also helpful but I find them tricky.

-- Grace in MA