Thursday, January 31, 2008

Well, realizing I'd be in class when the church office opened (and wanting people to know as soon as possible), I e-mailed them. (I noted the reason why so no one would think I was avoiding talking to someone). I just hope there's no fallout from this; we honestly did everything we could. (Though - and this is perhaps not a very nice wish on my part - but I kind of wish that sometime an ADULT would accidentally damage something down there. Just so, you know, it's not "always those kids." Or at least that's the perception.)

I can tell that today's going to be a difficult day. Didn't sleep well, woke up irritated at the world. Mainly because I slept badly, which was actually unrelated to the window-breaking. It's been very dry and windy here and I feel like the weather's trying to turn me into fruit leather. I ran the humidifier last night so I could breathe, but its gurgling kept waking me up. I also had a borderline migraine last night (which did not help matters) thanks to the fact that people north of us are getting freak-out winter weather. (We MIGHT get rain, but more likely not. Just wind and dry and ugh.)

The good news is I have only one class today. And, for what it's worth, I get paid today. What with direct deposit and having to look up one's pay-stub online it's kind of anticlimactic (and I'm not one of those people who goes out and blows a bunch of money on stuff on payday, because it's payday.)

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