Thursday, January 31, 2008

Actually, it IS raining. That kind of cold rain that makes you think maybe getting out of bed wasn't such a hot idea after all.

L., was the saint (who was irritated with her fellow nun) Therese of Lisieux? I seem to remember that about her. (It was in that book I was talking about a few years ago...something like "The Traveling Death and Resurrection Show" where one of the performers kept a book of the saints, and she was particularly fond of Therese. And the performer talked about how Therese was a "kick-ass" failure; that always stuck with me because of my own issues about failing - that somehow, it's so counterintuitive to praise someone for "failing" well.)

I am resisting the urge to buy myself some kind of small "fluster" (from or some place like that), but I'm not sure if I'll succeed at holding out the entire day.

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