Friday, January 11, 2008

random thought: real edelweiss are kind of freaky-looking.

(This came up because I bought a Sigg bottle to carry water to work in...our water fountain sometimes has a weird overchlorinated taste. I bought the one with the "Edelweiss" design [or as Amazon insists on calling it, "Edelwiis"] and I kept looking at the bottle going, "Are those really supposed to be Edelweiss? They look like some kind of weird spurge-family thing. Wait - IS edelweiss in the spurge family?" So I had to look it up.

They remind me a little bit of some of the antennarias we have around here - they're kind of hairy and it looks like the white part of the "flower" is actually bracts, and the yellow part is the real flowering head, with all disk flowers.)

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