Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Interesting blog that merits more of a look on my part: Layers of Meaning. It's about art and creativity and particularly how those things "intersect" with every day life.

I found it by doing a Google search on "Crochet and math" in response to this post at Dustbury about a crocheted isocahedron. (I was mainly looking for proof of, "I'm not the only one interested in this!" but also that I couldn't remember exactly if "parabolic figure" was the thing I was thinking of).

I have a pattern for one of those odd little parabolic figures, in "Kooky Crochet" - it's pretty simple; you start with a short chain and then do 2 sc (IIRC) in every stitch until the thing becomes unmanageably big. (There might be more to it than that; been a while since I checked the book).

The particular "crocheted math" post I found is here but her more recent posts are pretty interesting as well. I particularly like the 8th Rule for Designers: "Remove thy Pride."

I think that applies to a great many things, not just designing. I can completely see that from a different angle - not so much about "accommodating the client" but, for example, removing one's self (or, more importantly, one's sense of self-worth) from projects such as journal articles, so it is not so devastating to one when said article either gets rejected or sent back for some kind of revision-cum-disembowelling suggested by the editors.

I also like #2 - "Fail Triumphantly" but I doubt I'll ever be at a headspace where that idea is comfortable enough for me to put it into practice. ("Failure Bad!" is one of my most deeply entrenched thought patterns, way down there in the alligator part of my brain).

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