Oh, crikey, what a day. (more whinging ahead).
It was hot. And the heat was on in my one classroom.
And my three most troublesome and disruptive students in one class were true to form, and turned in unfinished homework that earned them exactly 0 points each - what they had done, they had done wrong. And probably because they spent the time when I was showing how to do the homework talking to each other, or were absent.
And then I had a faculty meeting - a long, and for us, rather acrimonious meeting where basically nothing got solved and everyone walked out feeling unhappy about how our program works, or how people perceive it as working. I got home less than 1/2 hour ago. There oughta be a law against meetings going past 4 pm on a Friday.
And I have a commitment on campus tomorrow morning because apparently everyone else who could have done it had something else they were doing.
And I'm having to do my Sunday school lesson, so I get no free time tonight.
And I'm just sad and tired and things aren't going well and I feel like I need a "fluster" and I don't know what to eat for dinner because I'm too tired and too busy to cook, but nothing from "out" appeals to me (and it's all bad-for-me food anyway).
And why is it that the people who work the hardest (I am not necessarily including myself in this group, but making an observation) seem to be the ones who keep getting more work piled onto them until they are nearly Dead From The Work, and the people who weasel their way out of everything still manage to keep weaseling? (I'm thinking students here).
It just isn't fair. Yeah, yeah, life isn't fair, but it's still not right.
The heat just makes everything worse, don't you think? It's hot here also...very unnatural for October. I keep waiting for a frost to kill the pollen, which is still out there according to my allergy doctor.
-- Grace in MA
Yep Yep Yep - Hot here and so dry. No rain in months.
As for the people who work the hardest?
It seems as though people who can perceive work to do will try to do work they perceive. Gotta practice saying no. It often doesn't come naturally.
Yuck. That sounds awful.
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