Thursday, June 14, 2007

'Nother funny-cute toy pattern: Bob.

At first I thought it was supposed to be an echidna, but the pattern-writer says it's inspired by that thing in the toilet tank. (I guess that's where "Bob" comes from?)

The original is knit out of "Oh My!" - a yarn I tried once (for Percy) but not sure I'd care to use again (especially for a toy) as it's kind of shreddy and fragile. (I wound up one morning with my head on Percy as I was sleeping, and the pressure of my head popped a few of the stitches, requiring a repair).

I think I'm going to make a "Bob" using felting wool, assemble and stuff him, and then run him through the hot/cold cycle and the dryer to see what results.

Bob also might be a useful destination for some of that novelty yarn that many of us (well, me at least) bought on a whim and then realized we'd never even wear an accessory made out of it.

1 comment:

dragon knitter said...

a small suggestion for bob. felt him unstuffed, f irst. you can always shape him by stuffing him with plastic bags after he's done felting. i'm afraid if you felted him stuffed, he'd never dry, and then you'd get the mold/mildew issues.