Friday, June 29, 2007


Tiny crocheted white elephant

Thrifty Critter (which could probably be slightly modified - big ears - to make a Dobby the House Elf)

Amigurumi mice

Edmund the Owl (inspired by Edmund in a BBC production of "Mansfield Park" but he could almost be Owly's brother...)

And I have to say, about that last pattern - I love that kind of thing. Where something catches in a person's brain and inspires them to create a character - not so much "I want to make animal X" but "I want to make a character who looks like this...and he/she just turns out to be Animal X."

(Sometime maybe I should photograph my Hercule teddy bear...yes, I made a teddy bear inspired by Hercule Poirot. He even has the little moustaches.)

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