Thursday, April 26, 2007

Lynn is talking about "who needs a kitten" (famous figures who might benefit from the kitteny goodness kittens bring). That reminds me - the youth group picnic last night was out at the house of one of my assistants (He's a bit older than I am; he lives with his parents, partly to help them - they are getting up a bit in years). His mom proudly showed me her (very) pregnant Manx cat. I have a feeling in another month or so, I may be offered a kitten.

at least that was the feeling I got from it.

That said - I might take them up on it, especially if I can wheedle out of R. or his mother a promise to look after the little guy during my trips out of town. And I just like Manx, even if I grew up with Siamese.

I always said I didn't WANT a kitten - I'm not home that much, I hate the thought of having to "baby proof" my house. But constant trips to Cute Overload and I Can Has Cheezburger? and all of the cute You Tube videos of kittens are wearing my resistance down.


Anonymous said...

Manx are supposed to be very smart and loving.

I highly recommend getting two. Two is really not more work than one, except for a little more scooping. One cat demands a lot more attention than two, because they get a lot of their social needs from each other. Especially since you're gone a lot. Some of the rescue places around here will not give out single kittens unless you already have a cat in the house.

Or, if you don't want to deal with kitten nuttiness (because they are pretty wild for the first year), go to a PetSmart (or look at There are always older cats that need homes, because people move or get ill or die and their older pets need homes. It kills me when I see a pair of older cats that have always been together, and then a couple of weeks later one has been adopted and the other left.

Hey- I know a quilt store that is moving and has two resident cats (mother & son) that need a home with plenty of fabric to lie on. Anaheim's a bit far for you, though.

Debby, 49 with three cats, and embracing the stereotype

dragon knitter said...

we have two cats as well. they were separated for two years (i had a snake in my house, so we decided that jimi needed to come live with me for a while) and now, it's almost like they were never separated (except joplin is a little crankier, she's 13 now). and i do agree with deb. it's not a lot more work to have two (and while i do use twice as much catfood, it's still not much. i've had the same bag of catfood for a month and a half, and i think we're just now half way through (i buy the big 22 pound bags and keep it in sealed buckets)

Anonymous said...

I read somewhere that Manx tend to have more urninary tract problems than most other breeds. Actually I think "mutts" are usually healthier than purebreeds.

Cats are better than dogs for someone who is away from home a lot. We left our two alone for three days when we went to New Orleans and they were fine. They did tear loose a window screen trying to get out (it's an awning window so the screen is on the inside) but otherwise the house was still intact and so were the cats.