Friday, April 27, 2007

I'll get a pattern for the Bacteriophage socks written up this weekend. I'll post it here but will probably also make it available in Word form (to email as an attachment) to anyone who wants a more easily printable copy.

I managed to get the Tumblers quilt dropped off for quilting yesterday afternoon. And I picked up a few more odds and ends of fabric...some fill-in stuff for the new quilt I started (It's a fat quarter quilt, and the book I'm working from assumes you have 18" by 22" of WORKABLE fabric in a fat quarter, which is usually not true. So I often find I have to either have an extra fat quarter on hand, or scraps of fabrics in coordinating colors.)

The quilt I am working on right now has several very saturated red fabrics in it, and I don't have that much red, so I bought a half yard of a red floral print to fill in.

I also worked some on the second of the Lichen Ribbed socks. I've decided I want to finish a few things before I move on to starting new stuff (especially new socks).

I have so many unstarted socks in the queue though:

the embossed leaf socks (Opal green handpaint)
the merino lace socks
the waving lace socks
a pair of to-be-self-designed socks with some kind of small eyelet pattern for the Chai Spice "Anne."
A pair of to-be-self-designed socks with a Saxon braid or such down the front
A pair of mystery socks that may be a submission to MagKnits eventually

I also found a lace pattern called "horseshoe crab" in one of my stitch treasuries. Now, it doesn't look particularly much like horseshoe crabs, to my eyes, but I still want a pair of socks featuring it. So that's another one I want to design.

(Maybe I should refer to the socks as "spooling" and...I can't remember what the other steps are in printing. Back in the old days when I used to do all my computing in a giant computer center with 300 computers and five printers, and you'd send something to print, it would tell you it was "spooling" and then it would tell you something else before it printed...maybe instead of saying "in the queue" I need to say that the ones closest to being begun are "spooling" and that the ones in progress are whatever came after "spooling" - "Formatting" maybe? Though, "formatting" sounds more like the pattern is still being designed. So maybe the embossed leaf socks are spooling and the Chai Spice lace socks are formatting. I don't know.)


Anonymous said...

Your quilts are so pretty. They are tempting me to try quilting, something on my "to do" list someday. It's interesting how a lot of people who enjoy fiber-ish hobbies tend to want to explore others, or are already well-rounded, so to speak, in crafts. Just the other day someone's blog ignited a desire in me to sew, something I haven't done in a long, long time. I guess it's the process of "creating" that's the common denominator.

-- Grace in MA

Anonymous said...

OK, so I'm chiming in late here, but I agree with the other comments: get 2 kittens (or cats) not 1. One cat will be lonely and demand much more attention from you than 2, and 2 are so much fun to watch as they play.

And I hope the Waving Lace pattern behaves for you! I've been working on a pair of Waving Lace socks since the pattern came out - 2004? - and am finally about half-way down the leg of the 2nd sock. For some reason, even though I think my brain is wrapped around the pattern, apparently it never quite is, so it's never been easy for me to memorize this one. They sure are pretty though.