Thursday, November 02, 2006

just to prove I'm not going crazy, nor have I suddenly developed a hatred for where I live and what I do, I present some quotations from October/November of last year:

"I'm just tired and it seems like everything is falling apart (several colleagues have had massive computer/phone/printer issues yesterday. I've not tried to print anything, I suppose I should)."

"It's just that time of the semester when everyone's tired and the fragile people become more so and the cranky people become even more so and it's waaaaaaaaay too hot in the building..."

"So I'm in a really foul mood today, considering that what was essentially my "personal" time for the day was spent sitting in what must be the loneliest and most depressing place outside of a doctor's office or hospital - the waiting room at a mechanic's."

"I can tell I've been stressed."

"This is the boring time of the blog - I'm not starting anything new, not finishing anything, most of my projects are big things that take long to finish (or are self-striping socks, and honestly, you can go to just about any yarnshop webpage to see pictures of how that looks knit up)."


so every November - at least early November - seems to be a season of discontent.

And this year I've been salving it less by doing lots of online stress-buying - partly because of the car-cost, partly because I still have a big bag of yarn from my trip two weeks ago sitting in the middle of my living room reminding me of how huge my stash has gotten.

I will say today is easier than earlier days of the week, simply because I know I have to be on the road (and therefore, out of pocket, unreachable, unmolestable) by 2 pm today.

(Actually - those quotes, out of context? kind of make me laugh. Cripes, can I ever be sour when I want to.)

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