The body of the hat is done (It looks long but I'm allowing for a turn-up. The body is about 10" long). It's ready for the decreases.

And here's the finished hat. Again, it looks narrow but it will stretch.

And here it is on. I'm not sure whether to title this one "Pi hat - Approved by Geeky Knitters!" or "Pi hat! Apply directly to the forehead! Pi hat! Apply directly to the forehead!" It's really going to be a good warm hat and I love its geekiness.
This was a fun project and a good creativity-reawakening exercise.
I want to do an e hat, and maybe a phi hat (phi is the Golden Ratio and shows up in places like nautilus shells and Greek temple architecture). But I will need to order more "five" and probably more "one" and possibly more "two" before I can do them. (And yes - I want the same color-numbers for all the hats. That is important to me.)
DO NOT QUOTE THAT BLOODY COMMERCIAL! we all run screaming from the room when it comes on!
nice hat, though
and i'm making pear butter
That is a really cool hat. The colors are great, the sequence is visually pleasing even if you don't know the rule behind it, and mind-blowingly awesome if you do.
*poke, poke*
are you in there?
it's odd for you to miss a day during hte week when you're not on vacation
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