It's a good idea to keep track where you are, so you're not constantly having to count stripes.

I used a highlighter marker and a print out of part of the Project Gutenberg "Pi to 4,000,000 places" file.
And here's the pi hat so far!

I know it LOOKS narrow but it does stretch sufficiently to fit my head. And I like hats that are a bit tighter - less chance of falling off/blowing off/being snagged by a branch in the forest and pulled off.
I am a bit worried that I won't have enough of "five" to finish the hat...I do have one more "five" to do shortly but then it's a while before five occurs in the sequence maybe I'm okay.
(These photos are also an experiment. Thursday night at AAUW we had a speaker about air quality and pollution in general and one of her points was HOW MUCH energy is saved by compact fluorescent I went out and bought a few and am trying them out in my lamps. So far, they're not bad...they're not really different from incandescent that I can tell, in terms of light quality and intensity. Colors may "read" slightly differently, especially in photos though. But if it saves as much energy as they're supposed to save...not that my electric bills are so high to beginn with, but I tend to figure ANY energy we can save is good from a reducing pollution/saving more capacity for generating electricity for the future standpoint)
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