Friday, July 07, 2006

I tried the same "Yankee/Dixie" test that Diann and Bess took.

I'm still influenced by my Great Lakes upbringing - I got 41% Dixie (which I presume means 59% Yankee). Many of my choices indicated as "Great Lakes" or "Ohio."

However, two things: Anyone who's lived near the Detroit region knows about "Devil's Night" (and the concerns about such; I remember a few years when there were LOTS of fires and a couple people killed).

And: there is a DIFFERENCE between 'frosting' and 'icing.' Icing is a thin glaze-like topping, usually water plus powdered sugar plus some kind of flavoring extract. It is typically put over angel food cake or any cake where you want a thin topping that will drip down. Frosting is thicker and often made with butter or cream cheese (and then there's the whole other class of "boiled frosting." Usually made with egg whites, cooked sugar syrup, etc. My mom used to make one with chopped up raisins in it. Mmmmm....boiled frosting....arghghghg....)

And the little grey "bugs" (actually they are crustaceans), I alternately call "rolly pollies," "sow bugs," (which I pronounced as "SEW bugs" - like sowing seeds, rather than SOW bugs like female pig - for a long time as a kid, because I had just read it somewhere), "Isopods" (the REAL name), "pillbugs" or "woodlice" (which I think is a more British term).

Doodle bugs are those things that make little conical holes in the soil - more commonly known as ant lions. And potato bugs are big fat beetles with black and yellow stripes on them, that eat potato plants.

And I never called a "drive through liquor store" as anything but...."drive through liquor store" (unless I was calling it "bad idea")

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