Saturday, July 01, 2006

I started one of the inchworms last night. Got the head made, part of the body, and then I thought, "this looks wonky."

Turns out, I had been working in hdc rather than sc. So I ripped it all back and started over. I have the head done (correctly) but have not started on the rest.

Also, I have to comment on the sheer IRONY of the only never-married member of the adult Sunday school class having the passage from Corinthians where Paul talks about marriage (and, where he sort of talks about in a very elusive way, sexual relationships) as the lesson she is to teach. Now, I am a "good girl" and all that, but it's still kind of strange to be talking about. (I almost called one of the other teachers and asked to swap, but then I decided that that was being kind of silly). So I'm more attacking it from the angle of the idealized marriage and how people act. (And I will say - and I am saying in the lesson - I honestly, honestly, think that in some cases and for some people, the Sexual Revolution made it harder for them to find a partner. People don't court as much any more and I am really the kind of person who needs to be courted.)

You know, sometimes I wish I had managed to marry. The whole "stick out like a sore thumb" thing and all. It's hard being the only single childless person in a room full of other women talking about their child-rearing experiences and knowing you have nothing at all to contribute.

1 comment:

Diann Lippman said...

Well, Mr. Ken is my third husband, so I can certainly talk about husbands, but I'm with you when it comes to talking about kids. I feel very left out in a room full of women comparing childbirth stories. I even feel left out now talking with my engineers about family - most of them are men, and they all have at least 1 kidlet.

My plan is to enjoy kidlets when available, and to be glad they don't go home with me!