Friday, June 30, 2006

With the exception of Pictures Of The Field Site To Be Taken Monday, the research poster is done. It looks pretty good now and will look even nicer with pictures on it.

I'm pretty happy. This is a low-pressure presentation because we don't really have any "finished" research, we are still in the beginning stages of the project, so I'm more soliciting opinions and presenting it as a "look for more on this in the next few years" sort of thing.

My weekend essentially starts now. I've done the grading I need to do and also made handouts for course stuff for next week. (Oh, I do have to prepare a Sunday School lesson either this afternoon or tomorrow).

Tonight is the annual "Americana concert" that my church puts on. I don't sing, so I baked 12 dozen cookies last night (yes. 12 dozen. All the same recipe at least) for the reception after the concert tonight and tomorrow night.

I've tentatively planned a Grand Day Out for tomorrow; it will depend partly on the weather, partly on Sunday School prep, and partly on whether even more cookies are needed (man, I hope not, I'm burnt out on baking for a while) for Saturday night.

perhaps I'll go home and start an inchworm...

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