Saturday, June 03, 2006

Yet another of those weird and wonderful things out there on the Internet:

Ask Vampire Bear..

It's a teddy bear, who is dressed as a vampire, answering questions people send in. It's done in video format (which means if you have a slow connection it takes a good long time to be able to view the video), but the bear has the proper sort of accent and actually comes across quite well in the video.

(I think for every "the Internets is eeeeeeevilllllleeee!" story about MySpace kids being stalked or something, there should be a "balance story" about some of the sweet-but-weird stuff that's out there).

the link is courtesy of Chris Baldwin's Little Dee page. (He just got a syndication deal, yay! Though I would bet that if he gets in the paper, my local paper would never replace any of the sorry-*ss comics that they run with Little Dee. Because they're that cheap. So I hope Dee keeps an online presence; I'd sure miss it if I couldn't read it any more.)

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