Sunday, June 04, 2006

Socks for a Sunday:

These are the two pairs of socks I finished over my break.

First, the Owl socks:


Just a simple 72-sts on size 1 needles pair of socks. (Picture is a bit washed out because I had to use the flash). I did a few rows of stockinette at the top to give a rolled top, and then did a 2 by 2 rib, and then knit in stockinette the rest of the way. I used a band heel and a star toe.

And these are the Perforated Rib socks


The stitch pattern is based on a k3, p1 rib. The "pattern row" is YO, p3tog, yo, p1. So you knit the pattern row and then knit three rows of plain k3 p1.

They are made from the yarn I bought most recently at McKinney. 4 ounces is barely enough for a pair of socks to fit me, even with low (4 1/2 inch) tops. I had about 4" of yarn left at the end, and that was even by abandoning a couple of the "knit plain" rows in the decrease of the toe on the second sock. (The yarn IS closer to sportweight - the socks are a bit loose done with 72 sts on size 1 needles. I think using the green-and-yellow I have of this for the Gull Wings socks, using 64 sts and size 2s, will probably work. Or, I could go ahead and start the socks from both ends, knit two at once, and if it looks like I'll run short, use a plain color for the toes).

In other knitting, I'm motoring away on the edging for Hiawatha (once again, I took it on vacation and didn't pull it out once.). I'm a bit baffled by the turn-the-corner instructions and I'm searching online for any clarifications for them with no success. I guess it's "trust the pattern and my own intuition" time. But I think I'm going to put a "lifeline" in the last "row 16" of the pattern repeat before I start turning the corner in case it goes bad and I have to rip back.

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